Web 2.0 in teaching and learning processesThe Web is changing
we go from static to one that allows us to be dynamic, active and participatory. This provides us with a series of tools and services that are preponderant for current and future education. It is inconceivable to think of 21st century instruction without technology. This panorama leads us to change the way we teach and learn.
In Web 2.0 we can find a series of instruments to work in class, such as blogs which allow adding multimedia resources to deepen the topics studied and also facilitate expanding knowledge outside the classroom. Social networks help to work together and build a learning community.
Collaborative maps promote learning interaction and collaboration. In podcasts, educational content of a sound type can be created. I have many applications to name and explain, but these seem to me to be some of the most interesting to use in classrooms and begin to change the way we think about education.
This technology allows a change in the roles of the educator and the student, the first one ceases to be a speaker and becomes a learning mediator, and the second one goes from a listener to a collaborator in the pedagogical mediation processes.
These types of tools are friendly, students use them in their daily lives, they also allow to work in a different way and the student builds their own learning, some of the activities that can be carried out are commenting on forums, carrying out projects through the help of a social network, watch videos on platforms, a podcast on topics of the class or of your interest. Thus, the student leaves the classroom and can continue learning and researching different topics.
The new technologies are preponderant because they go from a passive student to an active one who builds their own learning. This also allows them to develop critical thinking skills, creative thinking and the management of their own knowledge, as well as communication skills, collaboration and research; at the same time, it encourages attitudes such as teamwork and respect.
The education of the future requires us to update and professionalize teachers to learn to use these resources and, most importantly, apply them in the classroom.
In summary, we must see Web 2.0 as an opportunity
in the educational field, since these are accessible and free for the most part, they also contribute to teamwork, problem solving and collective decision-making. These tools make the educational context more dynamic, active and participatory.
The technological age should not be seen as a threat, but rather as an opportunity to change the educational paradigm, and see that the most important thing is not the content but the way we learn it and how we use it.
Juan Pablo Sánchez is a Middle & High School Social Studies teacher,
Lighthouse International School.
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